So on Wednesday I moved to Seoul! It's so crazy here and I love it! My new area is right across the river from Gangnam and is SUPER nice. Everyone here is rolling around in Bentleys and Rolls Royces. My new area is also way small; I can walk from one end to the other in about an hour!
My new ward is super amazing and they're great people. The ward here is about half the size as my last ward, and that one was tiny!
I'm now companions with Elder McCloud, who's been in Korea for a year now and he is really an amazing missionary. We get along really well and working with him is seriously a privilege. We live in a 4 man house which is quite a change from the 2 man apartment that I used to live in. We're living with Elder Thompson and Elder Lee, who are probably two of the most fun and hardest working missionaries in the mission!
So far I don't have a whole lot to say about being here because I really don't know a whole lot about it!
I love all you guys and I LOVE hearing from you! Be safe!
Love, Rob
1. I got to see Yoon Jay before I left Guri! I wasn't going to be able to see him before I left because of his school work, but the stars aligned! It was pouring rain that night, but all that matters is that I saw him!
2. Elder McCloud and I! He's a goon, but I love him!
3. I got to eat with everyone one last time in Guri before I left!
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