So on Monday we went biking on the Han River with the rest of our zone and it was SUPER fun. But it was just biking so I won't take up too much time with that!
Tuesday was crazy. We met with all of our investigators before Elder McLeod left on Wednesday!
We found out that our investigator that's been progressing a ton has to move for work next month, so we're going to try to get him baptized before he leaves! It's such a bummer! Our other investigators are doing really well, but not progressing like we would like them too.
One of our investigators took us out to eat after we taught him and it was crazy. He took us to eat live octopus. It was crazy. I've never eaten food that literally fights back when you eat it. When you order it, you can hear the chef just killing the octopus with a huge knife and just mashing it out to death with it. Then this plate of purple and while stuff comes out and you realize that it's moving all over the plate. First you dip it in oil so that it can't stick to the inside of your throat, then you keep chewing it until it stops moving. It's SUPER tasty! After we ate through two plates of octopus, we got this fish that translates to "money fish". It was cooked, but you eat all of it. The bones and everything. It was really yummy!
On Wednesday I got my new companion: Elder Choi! He is AMAZING. We've already been living together for the past couple of months, but now we're companions. I love it. We get along so well. Then we also have a new greenie living with us! He's straight out of the MTC and the best little missionary ever! His name is Elder Sederholm!
Last night was crazy, though. Elder Choi has had a really bad cold/flu the past few days. Last night he sneezed at 11:30pm and he went to go wash his hands and face.... Then we just hear this HUGE crash. We turn the lights on and the sink is literally in a million pieces all over the bathroom floor. He put his hand on it and it just fell off the wall. We were in shock and went to go get our cameras, then we realize that Elder Choi has a really bad cut on his foot... and he had walked all over our beds to get his camera. Our white sheets were covered in blood. We ended up having to call President Christensen and get medical advice about his foot. It was a crazy night. Our landlord is really mad about it.
That's about my whole week! I love you guys! Please email back! :)
If you send letters you'll get one back ASAP! Same with packages :) Send away!
For letters...
Elder Christian Woodall
Korea Seoul Mission
Gwanghwamun Po Box
Seoul-si 110-602
South Korea
For packages....
Elder Christian Woodall
Korea Seoul Mission
Samcheong-ro 9 gil 45
Seoul-si 110-230
South Korea
Photos this week!
1. Live Octopus....
2. The aftermath of the bathroom sink...
3. Elder Sederholm
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